Contact information


07891 099460


Wellbeing & Recovery College

St. George's Hospital,
Corporation Street,
ST16 3AG

The Wellbeing and Recovery College provides recovery-focused education courses that are accessible to everyone in our local communities. We work together to create an environment of hope, control and opportunity for us all.

...let's focus on the humanity we share rather than the diagnosis we do not (Elyn Saks, TED Talk 2012)

We do this by:

  • bringing together professional, carer and people with lived experience equally to guide all aspects of the college and our courses (co-production)
  • challenging stigma 
  • creating a safe environment where we can learn from each other and recognise each other's strengths and vulnerabilities
  • keeping strong links with our communities
  • supporting and recognising that everyone's wellbeing and recovery is individual
  • focusing on what makes us well
  • being open and accessible to all.