Our Medical Directorate is led by Dr Abid Khan (Chief Medical Officer) who is supported by 9 Associate Medical Directors, each responsible for a different portfolio of work. Operational support is provided to Dr Khan by the Senior Manager for the Medical Directorate.

Research & Innovation, and the Pharmacy & Medicines Optimisation departments also fall under the remit of the Medical Directorate, in addition to the Education Programme for undergraduate and postgraduate trainees. College Tutors, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Tutors, the Specialist and Associate Specialist Tutor, and the Director of Education all support the training programme.

The Medical Staffing team ensure that the Trust has the correct number of appropriately trained and qualified medical staff in post to provide an effective and safe clinical service to our service users.

Library & Knowledge Services strives to provide all staff and teams with access to the information and knowledge they need to carry out their work.

Finally, the Trust's Chief Clinical Information Officer works under the Medical Directorate's umbrella. This role is responsible for the clinical leadership within the Trust's digital transformation agenda, and works to use technology to improve the working lives of staff and outcomes for patients.

For any enquiries relating to the Medical Directorate, please e-mail lisa.collins@mpft.nhs.uk (Business Support Manager to the Medical Directorate).